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PowerPoint adds space before apostrophe

This usually happens in the French version of PowerPoint, but may happen in others.

When you type an apostrophe, PowerPoint automatically adds a space before it.

For example, you type "I'm annoyed" and PowerPoint turns it into "I 'm annoyed"
And so you are. To fix it:

And this just in from Kathy Huntzinger, who came up with this solution in the first place, and now works in our "More than you ever wanted to know" Department:

In French grammar there are spaces before and/or after punctuation marks, depending on how many "elements" make up the punctuation mark, roughly: before AND after for 2-element characters (; : " «) space before OR after (but not both) for 1-element characters (' , .).

With smart quotes turned on, you will get the space after the single quote/apostrophe and "quote" will become « quote »

The problem occurs because the single quote/apostrophe has another (much more common) function, namely elision. Instead of saying, for example, le amour, you would say l'amour. No space, since in this case the ' is an elision, not a punctuation mark.

Clear as mud?? now, whether the same behavior occurs in other versions of Windows, etc. I haven't got a clue, but turning off smart quotes SHOULD fix the problem.

An alternative, like for any autoformat, is to ctrl-z immediately after Powerpoint (word, etc) does its thing, in this case inserts the space.

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PowerPoint adds space before apostrophe
Last update 22 September, 2018