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Adding or entering text during a show


A newsgroup user asked:

Is there a way to add text to a slide while in the presentation? One of my slides asks the audience the question, "What kinds of things are important for a good phone presence?" I would then like to add the audience's comments to the slide...but without having to exit the presentation.


Other newsgroup regulars posted a variety of answers:


From David Marcovitz:
One way to do this can be found at my Web site at Example 7.13 This requires VBA; it works with all Windows PowerPoint versions and most Mac PowerPoint versions. It doesn't work in Mac PowerPoint 2008, which doesn't have VBA.

Use a text control

You might be able to get away with a just putting a text box from the Control Toolbox up. This could allow you type text onto the slide.

Glen Millar adds:
As David has pointed out, you can add a text box from the Control Toolbox. Right click on a toolbar, select the Visual Basic toolbar, the Control Toolbox button, then a text box. Draw it on the screen, right click on it, Properties, and look for "MultiLine". Set that to true. That will allow you to hit the enter key for a new line of text. You now have a text box you can write in during a slideshow, and you don't have to muck with code.

Use Notes text

And from Bill Foley:
Another option if you don't have anything in the Notes pages is to right-click your slide while in Slide Show Mode and click "Speaker Notes". Requires no code and is unique to that slide. It can also be saved with your presentation when done.

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Adding or entering text during a show
Last update 03 November, 2012